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Bi-polar dog?

19 9:40:09

Hi, Kristin.

A while back my mom and sister brought home a dog from a women that my mothers nail stylist told us about. The dogs name is Sadie and she is a rat terrier chihuahua mix. Also the dog was free, which may have been a red flag. The original owner of the dog could no longer keep it because the landlord of her new apartment had a no animal rule. We picked up the dog from a friend of the original owner who did not appear to have a good home for animals.  The current holder did tell us that the dog was housebroken and was getting along fine with her cats. However, when we brought her to our house she was, "submissive peeing" as the vet called it, and was ruining our carpets. We think she may have been abused at one point because she mainly would have this problem when myself(being a guy) or my dad would try to pet her. After a couple of times having this problem, we would stop trying to pet her when she would greet us at the door. The problem seemed to stop when that happened, until one day my father came home from work and she jumped on his leg and started to pee. We had just let her go to the bathroom outside and she seemed to be relieved. We thought that this was just a product of her being in a new and unusual environment, but almost a year later the problem still continues. We have tried lots of different things to stop the problem and have gone as far as to getting her a diaper, but still no luck. On the other hand she can also be very aggressive to anybody at any moment. If she is sitting on somebody's lap and you try to walk into the same room, she will jump of the persons lap and come growling and barking at you until you leave. She has even gone as far as biting me when I tried to just ignore her. The crazy thing is, if she were to be sitting on my lap and the same person whose lap she was on before came in, it would be the other way around. The most bothersome problem is when she sleeps on my sisters bed, she will bark at the door as if they are trying to harm my sister. She has barked at family members even before they walked by her room.

Sadie can be a sweet dog, she will cuddle with you and play outside more than any dog I have seen. She gets along with my other dog just fine and is a good dog. We don't know what to do, or how to train her and its becoming a growing problem in our house. How can we get Sadie to become a calmer dog?

The best way to train a dog like this to find a specialized trainer that can come into your house and work one on one with this dog. This dog has probably been traumatized and another thing that might be causing these problems is the dog has not been socialized and isn't used to a lot of touching. so what you will have to do is a lot of calling around to find the right one that can deal with a dog like yours