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is our puppy in heat?

19 11:57:55

I have a 6 month old Shih-Zhu / Maltese puppy, who has been spotting alittle blood. The spotting is enough to be seen on the floor in small spots and on her fur(between her legs). She seems somewhat tired and groggy(not much play). I planned on having her Spayed this month, but could you please tell me, if this is what they call "In Heat" ?. My husband seems to think that she may have a water infection. I am thinking it might not be. The blood seems to be coming from her "cookie" <for lack of a better word> and only speeping out in very small droplets on the fur that grows off her "cookie". I would laugh too, but can you answer this question for us? Thank you. (Suzanne)  

Hi Suzanne!
Yes, your little Shi-Tzu is in heat.  Remember to keep her away from male dogs.  She will be in heat apprx three weeks, but that includes the week before you see blood, so she may well be into her second week.  You can have her spayed now, but she will bleed more in surgery, so they may charge extra.  You can wait til she is completley out, then have her spayed also.
I think "cookie" is a good way of saying it!  LOL

God Bless,