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introducing two female 10 yr. old dogs

19 11:50:54

I have an 11 year old half lab, half Rott-weiler. My friend has asked if I can
take her 10 yr. old female lab. Both dogs have always lived w/o other dogs in
their household. Being that they are both females and have not ever met one
another,  would this be a bad idea ?  And how would I go about introducing?
Thank you for whatever you may be able to tell me.


Hi Jean;
Not necessariy a problem.
It depends on whether or not the one that lives there minds another dog coming into her house.
If they get along with other dogs, and get along with each other, they may be a lot of company for each other, since neither is a young peppy puppy that will drive the other bonkers.
If they have their own food bowls, if they are used to that, and their lives don't have to change too much, it should go smoothly.
Introduce slowly, and let them sniff a bit.
I doubt you will have much of a problem.
They are both elderly ladies, and well behaved.
They probably won't pay that much attention to each other.