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4 week old toy pooddle

19 9:48:42

I'm feeding a 4 week old toy pooddle a replacement milk called "Just Born" in a puppy bottle. I just want to make sure that what I'm doing is correct! Or what I'm feeding him is the right food!


Hi Edwin,

Just Born Milk Replacer is a fine choice for puppies, however now is the time to start to wean the pup off of the all milk diet.

Between 3 and 4 weeks, puppies can begin accepting fine textured solid foods. To get your puppy started in the world of solid foods, mix the milk replacement formula you have with a the best quality dry puppy food you can afford to make a gruel the consistency of loose oatmeal. You can use a blender or food processor to make a "puppy milk shake", and pour into a solid dish, like a pie tin.   You should also encourage the puppy to drink a little water after he eats. First-time eaters are messy eaters, so have the warm water and towel handy for afterward for clean-up's!.  Gradually reduce the milk replacement with water, and make the gruel thicker until the puppy, (by the age of 6-7 weeks) will be eating only solid food. At that time, the puppy can be fed a good quality puppy food 3-4 times daily.

Now is also a good time to start introducing your puppy to a select few people. Neighborhood kids, of course, will be attracted to the puppy when he's outside, so let them gently pet and play with him, under your supervision, of course. Invite close friends who are dog-savvy to your home and introduce them to your puppy. A puppy that meets a large variety of people (young, old, male, female, people of different races) at an early age makes for a well-adjusted adult dog.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
