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Dog Coughing

19 14:33:37

Hello Amy,

I have an Old Engish Sheepdog that I adopted about 7 years ago, he is now 10+ years of age.  He is tall and low weight, never been overweight to our knowledge.  He is the love of my life and a wonderful companion.  I have noticed lately that he has been coughing like he is trying to clear his throat, and at times when he gets excited like when I put his leash on and he is happy to go for a walk, he rasps.  I began noticing this in the last few months.  Do you think that this is something the Vet should look at?
I appreciate your time and effort on this.


Dear Leslie,

I think you should, it may be a bad chest cold but i couldn't really tell because i haven't seen the dog. Honestly i think you should take him to the vet just so that we can be 100% sure he's alright. It's most likly nothing, just what comes with old age. He soulds like you keep him in good condition though, and h should live a long and happy life. Please tell me how he's doing,