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digging holes in the yard!!!!!

19 11:37:00

Hi! About 2 1/2 weeks ago my 2 pit bulls caught a huge rat in the back yard. Since then my dog, Anastasia, keeps digging holes in the yard. She's a pretty good "mouser" & I think she's trying 2 find more rodents. How do I make her stop tearing up my yard?!?!?!

Hi Kirsten;
Yep, she is looking for some more big game.LOL
She may hear them running in tunnels under the soil.
If there is a Man's best Friend in your area, I recommend calling them to see what kind of training class they have that you could get her into.
I have never trained out of digging when the motivation is that strong. If scold ing doesn't do it, then I would have to handle such a dog and just try things until I hit on what would work with her.