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2dogsboth male one acts like he is in heat

19 11:05:03

why does one dog both are males but he acts like he is humping panting and not eating just like he is humping a female male dogs go in  heat and how long

Hi there,

No, male dogs don't go into heat, but there might be a female dog someplace near where you live that your dog knows about. A female dog's heat cycle usually happens twice a year, and lasts about 21 days. It can make life intolerable for male dogs (and their owners) who happen to live near-by.

Moving far away form where a female dog might live, and having your dogs neutered is a sure fire cure for this situation. The later suggestion is more realistic though.

When two dogs of ANY gender hump, it can be a sign of dominance. Sometimes, sometimes it's the more dominate dog doing the humping, but sometimes the less dominate dog will hump a more dominate dog, in those cases, the less dominate dog is trying to demonstrate his allegiance with a higher-ranking animal.  

It's okay to tell the dog "NO!" in a stern voice when you see him doing this behavior, be sure to reward him when he obeys.

Best of luck,