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Dog shyness

19 11:45:25

Hi! I have a 15 mnth old GSD bitch (not spayed). She has lots of stamina to go on long walks twice a day and also loves to run. She is friendly with people outside the house, but wary of strangers at the house. She normally gets along well with the people who we know and visit us. But, she shys away from people who are bulky or have a rough loud voice. She instantly tucks her tail and runs for cover. Is there something I can do to overcome this behavior? There has been NO bad incident so far, I dont know why she behaves this way. Please help.
Thanks for any advice.  

Hi Vinay;
First off, dogs hear so much better than we do, so a loud, harsh voice sounds a lot moreso to a dog than it does to us. Her shying away is insecurity.
You can do a lot to help and even cure this with animal massage.
Go to this site, read about the massages, and you can order a video to teach you how to do the massages. They will come in very handy as she ages and has Arthritis etc. I have used this method of animal massage for years as a training tool, and as pain relief.

As for her being wary of strangers at your home.
That is her job, Hon.
It is in her genes, and she is protecting you.
Your job is to be mommy and bring home the groceries and hugs. Her job is to take care of her mommy and her mommy's house.
Don't be in such a hurry to hush her if she is trying to deny entrance to a stranger.
Dogs know more about us then we know about ourselves, and she can smell if someone might be a threat to you.
A long time ago, I answered my door to a salesman, and thought I would be interested in whatever it was he was selling. It was 50 years ago, so I don't remember what it was, but I do remember how indignant he was when I said "Come in", and my German Shepherd bared her teeth and refused to let him is. He asked me to put her in another room, and i wouldn't. He asked who was boss the dog or me. I said when my husband wasn't at home, the dog was. He walked away cursing, and later I saw a police car at my neighbor's. He husband fortunately had come home for lunch, something he normally didn't do. She was shoving chairs etc between herself and that salesman. When her husband drove up, he grabbed his case and ran out another door.
Had her husband not come home right then, you can olny guess at what could have happened.
NEVER doubt your dog's opinion of a person.
When neighbors or other people that my dogs have seen outside,and been petted by, when they first come in our house, the dogs will sniff them over well first, then the tails start to wag and they get friendly.
They are taking care of their mom while daddy is at work.
When my first child was born, a couple of the out of town pilots who had been to our house many times before were in town, and came to see the baby.
Lady knew these men very well, and had since she was a puppy, but one of them had the baby on his lap, and she began to cry ( she was about 2 weks old). Lady,who was laying at his feet from the time he took the baby, clowlt rose, with an alert sense about her, and slowly STARED and moved toward him. He looked like a deer cought in the headlights and handed the baby to me, never taking his eyes off Lady. He had a GS too, and he knew just what was going through her mind. "What did you do to our baby?" LOL
When Paula didn't immediately stop crying when I took her, then Lady settled back down like, "Well, guess youdidn't hurt her afterall"LOl
That is in your dog's genes and her ancestry. She is a guarder and protector.
Give her the space to check them out, and if she tries to keep them from coming in, LISTEN  TO HER!!!!!
It may save your life.
If you are not intending to breed her ( only should if her bloodline etc are so good they will improve the breed) then please do so, for her health's sake.
Spaying, prefferably before their first season will prevent breast cancer, and some other illnesses that could cost her her ife or health.
Spayed and neutered dogs, providing they have good care in health and diet, will live longer than dogs who also have good diet and health care, but ar not spayed or neutered.