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My Dog is not feeling well

19 11:58:59

Hi, I have a 3 year mixed dog and all day he has not been himself. He has vomit 3 times and is very lethargic. i think that he also has a fever.What is the normal temp for a dog and if he has a fever can I treat it with an over the counter med?
Thank you,

Hi Angie. This CAN NOT be treated with over the counter meds. People medicine is not safe for dogs. He needs to be brought to the vet as soon as possible. There could be many things that are causing him to be sick. He could have caught something or gotten into something. Either way, this could turn into a serious problem. The only thing that you can do to make him feel better is to take him to the vet asap. They will be able to diagnose his problem & prescribe to correct dog medicine for him. Thanks.