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Air travel w/ my Boston

19 11:16:13

I am flying on a 2-3 hour flight with my 17 pound Boston Terrier (his first flight) I love flying.. I have his carrier that I have been practicing with him.. I was advised (by: local Vet.)that I could give him Benadryl 1 mg-per pound he weighs... I tested with 3/4 of a 25 mg tablet- DID NOTHING.
Second night, I tried 1 whole 25mg tablet- DID NOTHING.

 I want this to be a calm, positive experience for him, so that it will be non-stressful for him in all our future Air travel...
 Any with experience, please feel free to offer any advice I may consider..
                              Lisa & Rocky

Hi Lisa
How frightened do you think your dog will be? I'm not very much in favor of drugging animals to travel. There are all natural things that you can get at the pet store to calm and soothe him. There's also melatonin which is a naturally produced chemical in the brain (also in turkey and milk) which will help him to relax and enjoy himself. I've never personally done more for a pup or an adult dog on a plane trip than gingersnaps for queasiness and such. Dramamine is another humane over the counter medication that people have had good luck with while travelling. However NEVER double the dose of ANY med your vet recommends without checking with him first. He is dosing your dog by weight and more than that can cause liver or organ failure. If a half didn't work, neither will a whole and it could kill him. If you choose to use the Dramamine you want to give about half a pill for a fifteen pound dog. Your vet should be able to give you some clomicalm if you prefer but do remember these are serious sedatives and not to be toyed with on dosage. Benadryl usually works well.