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7 week old puppy not eating

19 9:53:48

I just adopted a seven week old Cairn Yorkie mix this past Friday from a rescue. He is not eating very much at all. I have been giving him the same food the rescue was (Iams Dry Puppy food). I tried adding hot water (like the rescue said) and he still wouldn't eat more than a bite or two. I tried adding chicken broth, and again just a bite or two. I am very concerned that he is going to get sick. Do you have any words of wisdom to get him to eat something?


Hi Regina,

Congratulations on adopting a puppy!

Arriving to a new home, and leaving everything that was familiar to him is a very stressful thing for a puppy. Some handle it better than others. It's not uncommon for a puppy to refuse food for several days. If you're able to get your puppy to eat even a little bit, it's much better than having him eat nothing! Your puppy isn't going to get sick from this, but do keep offering him food frequently until he's able to eat a fairly normal portion.

Continue to offer your puppy food at frequent intervals. Hand feeding can be helpful. See if your puppy will lick a little jarred baby food from your finger. Try Beef, Turkey or Chicken varieties. If the baby food jump-starts your puppy into eating, offer him his puppy food with a little of the baby food mixed in. Another option is to grate a little hard boiled egg into your puppy's regular food. Most dogs and puppies love egg.

If you still can't get your puppy to eat in 48 hours, call your vet and make an appointment. It's very possible he has "worms", even if he's acting okay. If your puppy is acting lethargic now, don't put off seeing your vet. It's always wise to have a newly adopted examined by a vet, just as a matter or course, even when a puppy is acting perfectly normal.

Best of luck!
