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Neapolitan and English Mastiffs with smaller dogs

19 11:21:06

We are adopting a Neapolitan Mastiff (2 yrs) and English Mastiff (3 yrs) from a rescue organization.  Both are altered and we have been told have very sweet temperaments.  They were in a family with 3 children who lost their home and the family could no longer keep them.  I wanted to ask you how you think they will interact with my 3 smaller dogs?  My brother raised Bullmastiffs and they were wonderful around smaller dogs and cats.
Thanks on any advice you can offer about integrating these two gentle giants into our family.

Well,first introduce them very slowly,first by just sniffing even just through a gate,or even hold the small dogs while letting the larger ones sniff them,but always watch them together for a long time and never leave them alone when you are not home

Mastiffs are generally gentle with everyone so it should go well