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My Aunts Dog Rocky

19 10:26:45

My aunt has a rat terrier named Rocky. Rocky has a tendency of urinating all
over my aunt's house. He usually urinates inside when both everyone is home or
absent from the house and only on all the beds. He will not readily urinate
outside while someone is standing around him. He shows signs of shyness and
fearful behaviors. What can I do to solve this problem?

Johnny, how old is the dog? How long has your aunt had him and how long has he been going to the bathroom on the beds?

Do you live with your aunt? If not, there really is not much you can do; your aunt needs to be the one to take action.

Please read the information located at This dog needs to be crated when no one is home, and prevented from accessing the bedrooms when someone IS home. He needs to be taken out on a leash to go to the batrhoom, and he needs some confidence building. A basic obedience class should help with that.