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dog do-claw

19 11:33:27

My vet explained to me that it was not necessary to dock my dog's do-claw. So now I noticed that attached to her do- claw there is a dead toe nail just hanging below a healthy looking toenail. Can I pull the dead toe nail with tweezers or put any thing on it to make it fall off?

Hi Kendra,

I wouldn't try pulling any claw off your dog. There's a lot of blood in the claw area. Use a pair of nail trimmers to only remove a small amount of the free edge at first. Clip only a small bit at a time to avoid trouble. You can always remove more nail later.

If it seems that the dew claws continually get caught on things, and are in danger of being ripped off, then you might want to reconsider having them surgically removed.

Best of luck,