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I work graveyard shifts and im planning on gettin a puppy how would it affect her

19 10:22:27

I work graveyard shift at my work and im planning on getting a Rat Terrier puppy. I know dogs are not nocturnal animals but will my puppy be able to adapt to my schedual after a while? I know I will have to wake up mid day and feed her and take her ouside to do her buisness and play with her for a bit but I will have to go to sleep after that. Will my puppy be able to adapt to my nocturnal scheduale? How long will it take her to adapt? How will it affect my puppy at first that I sleep a nocturnal schedual? I really need to know this ASAP. Thanks

Hi Ashley-

I work nights, and my four dogs have all gotten used to it. Its a little harder to sleep sometimes but we have gotten a schedule. If you think about it, its no different then someone who is gone at work all day, and asleep at night, just reversed.

Usually, I come home in the morning and play with the dogs, feed and walk them, then put them in their crates around noon and go to sleep. Around 6 I get back up, feed them, walk them, and let them have free run of the house. The two pups that are crated go back in their crates at 10:30 at night when I leave for work, and stay in there till the next morning. Its pretty much the same schedule as someone who works 9-5, just you will be asleep while they are at work ;)

Have fun with your new puppy!