Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > we want our rottweiler to be protective of this house and our children

we want our rottweiler to be protective of this house and our children

19 10:19:44

Dezel is 11 months old he is very much part of this family we love him very much. But I also got him to be protective of our 3 girls. I know their working dogs how do i go about getting him to learn to watch out fot them. Not that we want him to be mean but would he go after somone if they were to hurt them. Or atleast scare somone off.

Just being a Rottweiler goes a long ways.  There are girls to hurt that don't have a Rottweiler around.  Dogs are very good at reading emotions and take their cue from their family.  I can't promise you that if somebody bothers your girls, the dog will attack, but I wouldn't want to frighten the girls with him around.  

Training dogs to be protective is a specialized, very exacting thing.  It is best done by a hands on professional, not by advice over the net.