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Housebreaking Relapse

19 13:56:45

Hi Charlotte!
We have a beautiful Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier named
Mayhem.  She is just over a year.

When she was eight months old, she was able to be unfenced in
the house all day long without any accidents.  About three
months ago, she started pooping in the house again.  There
doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.  We tried making
her fenced in area smaller and switched from one large nightly
feeding to two small feedings (1 breakfast, one dinner).

We can't seem to break her of this... she'll do it when we leave
the house, but not at night.   Do you have any suggestions?  We
do work long hours but she goes to daycare 2 times a week and
isn't home alone for more than 9 hours at a time.

Hi Lisa;
Sometimes they do this for pure spite because they are mad because you leave them.
when you give her the morning feeding, do you take her outside till she has a bowel movement?
Maybe she need a little longer to go, so she is completely finished.
i always feed in the morning and at diccer time.
I think 24 hours is too long for them to go without food.
sometimes they will go, and a few minutes they will go again. Try feeding a little earlier so she has time to spend a little longer outside.
Some exercise will also help her go.
Throw a ball for awhile or run with her. Some play time with you might help if it is just a spite thing.