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older dog skin problem

19 13:51:01

I have an (aprox.) 8 year old Australian Shepard/Collie mix named Rosie.  She has become lethargic and has a raw, hairless spot above her tail.  It seems that she is pulling more hair out of this spot.  I've seen a few clumps of hair in her pen.  She licks at this spot frequently.  I can't get a very close look at the spot because she is very snappish and doesn't like to be handled.  What could be wrong with her?  Thank you.

Hi Elsie,It sounds like she has a hot spot that could have been caused by a variety of things.  Right now you need to get to that spot as it is probably getting infected which would explain her being lethargic.  She needs to have the hair around it clipped off, and then the wound cleaned with hydrogen peroxide.  Then she needs antibiotic ointment to help heal it.  She is probably pulling the hair at it because it itches due to it getting infected.  If you can get her into a vet, they can knock her down a bit so they can treat her.  You don't want that infection to spread as it can make things a lot worse.  Hope this helps,
