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yorkiepoo grooming

19 13:58:36

I have a 1 year old male yorkiepoo who definitely looks like a yorkie (if I had not seen him with his mother poodle I would think he was all yorkie). I don't think he will ever have a good hair day. His hair is 4-5 inches long, thin and always looks messy. What is the recommended cut? puppy cut 2 inches long like a poodle?
Tucker needs help!

There is no recommended cut. Every dog is different and the cut is up to YOU. I have Yorkie people that keep the dog shaved down with a 7 blade. (About 1/4" long)They look like Chihuahuas. You have to do what works for you.  How much brushing do you want to do?  Is the dog getting matted? You could go shorter on the back and leave a longer skirt around the bottom..many different choices. Look at pictures of yorkies on the internet and find a picture that you like and take it to the groomer.  Remember too..its only hair and it will grow back if you don't like it.  Have some fun and experiment.