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wheezing attacks

19 11:34:32

i recently rescued a 3 yr old yellow lab, lucy. she has recently been spayed and seems to be recovering normally. lucy had a great visit at the vet and is up to date on all shots etc.  yesterday, after a nap, she had an "episode" lasting about 30 seconds. she was breathing hard thru her nose as though trying to clear her nasal passage. horrible noise, very tense body, all muscles contracted, neck arched and mouth closed. when she was done, she seemed a little tired but fine otherwise. could this be related to allergies, or some type of seizure? she does a lot of scratching and licking her skin and paws, even tho she is flea free. i have seen other dogs do this but our prior lab, who lived to 12 yrs, never did this. thanx for any insight you can give. sharon

I would keep an eye on her, and if you see a pattern of such incidents, check some time when she is at the vets.  

For the itching, feed a decent dry chow, brush her regularly, and when you do have to bathe her, use a dog shampoo and be sure and rinse the last bit of it out.  I seldom if ever bathe my Labs, and they don't have an odor problem.