Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > is it normal for a puppy to have diarrhea after giving him deworming oral med

is it normal for a puppy to have diarrhea after giving him deworming oral med

19 14:16:20

my son gave me a boxer pup for mother's day and got the pup from a backyard breeder who allowed the pup to leave the mom @ 4 weeks old. i took him to the vet today for general exam although he seems healthy and eating small amount of formula mixed with soft puppy food, he sleeps most of the day. today @ the vet's clinic, he was given an oral dose of pyrantel pamoate to deworm him and the vet has recommended a new special diet for him since, he was weaned too early,he started having diarrhea right after feeding, is it normal?

Hi, sorry to hear about the puppy.  Yes, several things could have caused the diarrhea.  One is the worming (I personally do not worm until at least 5-6 weeks due to the strength of the puppy) and the other is getting a new food.  If he continues to have diarrhea after a couple of days, or if it gets really watery, then I would take him back to the vet.  Sleeping most of the day is normal for puppies.  They need to build up their strength, and thats what the sleep is doing (just like babies).  Hope this helps,  and good luck.
