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how to tart housebreaking my yorkie-poo(puppy mill)

19 9:44:53

I know my little dog is puppy mill. All signs are there. I can not get close enough to pick her up unless she decides it's okay. She will come close when she decides but if I have a treat I have to put it down and let her get it. It seems she might have been tricked with a treat. I want to housebreak her but if I try to get close she runs and stays just far enough where I can't get her

Crate training is the fastest way I have found of training a puppy what you do is keep them in there all of the time except to feed her and give her water,to take her outside every few hours,to play with her ect and do that for about three weeks and slowly give her more time out of the crate,but if accidents reoccur back in the crate she goes for another ten days

Now the puppy pad/paper method is an old one,but it does work as well. What works best is penning or gating off a small area of the house,and put down the papers/pads and once she learns to go on them(you can encourage her to go on them by placing her on them when she sniffs or circles ect)slowly start moving them towards the door and that will push her to go outside.

If you go with the puppy pads/paper method you can put her crate down in the little area but keep it open and don't put papers in her crate,as that will confuse her and cause her to soil her crate,thus defeating the purpose