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Medical Problem with Yorkie & Looking for Vet on Long Island, NY

19 14:12:15

Hello Shelley,

Thank you for offering your advice here on this site!

I have a 2 year old Yorkshire Terrier.  Ever since I got him (at 2 months old), he has had this problem...he does this sort of gasping-cough...seems like he gasps for air for a couple of seconds.  It happens as little as once every other day up to about six times per day.

I've been going to the same Veterinarian since I first got my dog, and I have been happy with him for other things, but he has not done anything to check into this.  He keeps tellin me not to worry about it.  I told him that a Collapsed Trachea is one of the top three common problems that develop in Yorkies (the other 2 are Liver Shunt Disease and hip and joint problems).  The "coughing" has been increasing and I am getting worried.  I am looking for a new Vet, or at least a Vet to give me a 2nd opinion about this problem.  

My Yorkie also had a "bad" right knee--not noticeable, but the doctor said either we can operate now and he will DEFINITELY develop arthriis when he gets older, or we can wait and hope that it gets better over time.  I opted out of surgery.  I try to rub the muscle every day and take him for walks to try to strengthen the muscles around his knee.  In addition to finding a Vet for the "coughing" problem, I would like to find preferrably a holistic Vet to treat his knee problem...maybe with acupuncture and whatever else.

I saw that you answered a question on your site and referred someone to check out this vet on Long Island -- -- I checked it out, but it's located in Vermont.  Could you recommend a Veterinarian on Long Island.  I live in Hauppauge, but I will travel on L.I. for a real good vet.  I am looking for both a "Western" or conventional Veterinarian as well as an "Eastern" or Holistic Veterinarian.

Could you recommend any in my area?  Also, do you have any suggestions for either problem?

I would really appreciate any advice you might have for me.

Thanks for your time.


Please forgive the length of time it has taken for me to get back to you.  I have been focused on trying to get help to the animals effected by Hurricane Katrina.

I have a wonderful vet for you to take your precious Yorkie to.  I feel terrible that she is going through such a hard time but Dr. Wen, who is not far from you, is one of the best in the country and I am confident that he will help you resolve this troubling situation.

Dr.Wen: 631-325-1611

The very best of luck with your precious munchkin and please keep in touch and let me know how things are going.

Also..when you get a chance, check out my website as I have clients from LI that leave their dogs with me for homespun cageless pet care.

Shelley Davis