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puss from dogs crotch

19 11:39:35

my dong is a boxer sheppard mix and had green puss coming from her crotch before  i gave her meds   but the vet didnt actually look at it iw as wandering if u knew what it could be or what i could give  the dog  for that to stop

It's defo some kind of infection.  A bad one by the sounds of it.

Female dogs and cats are much more likely than males to have a genital discharge. Female pets that haven't been spayed will sometimes get a serious uterine infection called pyometra. This can result in a bloody, pus-filled discharge. "It commonly occurs about 45 to 60 days after the pet was in heat and wasn't bred," says Dr. Daniel.

Discharges will sometimes occur in pregnant dogs and cats when they are about to have a miscarriage. "This is nature's way of taking care of abnormal fetuses or an infection in the womb that would otherwise threaten the mother's life," says Dr. Daniel. This type of discharge will usually be bloody, possibly with a little pus mixed in.

Females that have recently had a litter are also prone to uterine infections. What sometimes happens is that part of the placenta stays behind after delivery, providing a fertile breeding ground for bacteria.

"You should suspect that something is wrong if the new mother, who is generally overprotective, ignores her offspring or refuses to eat," says Dr. Daniel. This type of infection usually causes a foul-smelling vaginal discharge that starts out watery and a little red, and then gets thicker and turns dark brown and contains pus as the infection progresses.

It doesn't happen often, but an infection and discharge may occur after dogs and cats are spayed if a little bit of the uterus was left behind, says Dr. Daniel. "If your pet is listless, lacks an appetite, drinks a lot of water, and is paying a lot of attention to her backside -- such as excessive licking -- check under her tail for a discharge." If you see a discharge, take her back to the vet immediately, he advises.

See Your Vet If...

The discharge is bloody or has a foul odor

Your dog or cat has a fever or diminished appetite

Your pet is spending a lot of time licking the backside

Your pet's tail is limp

A discharge from the anus, penis, or vagina has lasted two days or more

Your pet is constantly licking his back end

The vagina or anal area is red and swollen

There is a growth on the anus or genitals

Urine is dribbling while your pet sleeps

There has been a change in your pet's urinating habits, or he is unable to urinate

There is blood in the urine

He's lost fur on the top or base of the tail

The tail is greasy or infected, or it is getting thicker

The anal opening stays open

Your pet has been scooting for two days or more