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19 9:45:11

Our 6 mo is at the end of her 1st heat cycle, day 19.  Her heat has been normal, and this week was showing the signs of the wheat colored discharge.  However, yesterday I noticed her spotting again.  Is that normal?

Usually they are in heat for 3 weeks or 21 days,, but just as humans differ, so do dogs.  However,  there is an infection of the uterus that can happen that will keep dogs in heat much longer...  Unfortunately, this disease is fatal.  I would not be concerned unless it goes over 21 days and at that time check to see if she as ANY kind of mucus discharge from the vulva.  And please check this out with your vet.  He will let you know if he wants to check her out or not and actually he should let you know his experience on how long some dogs have been in heat, as well.
thank you