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Black lab acting totaly different

19 9:25:34

Good afternoon,

My 10 1/2 year old black lab started wanting to stay outside yesterday.  She normally only does her business and comes right back in.  She also tried to be alone when she WAS in the house; which is different for her.  Last night and today she is not getting up to eat or drink.  Also, she is a snorer and did not snore at all last night.  I was wondering if these are possible signs that the end may be near for her.

Thank you for any advice you may be able to give.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Something is definitely going on with your dog, and she may be in pain from something. She really needs to be seen by a veterinarian, but in the meantime, you need to keep forcing water down her so that she doesn't dehydrate. If she refuses to drink on her own, use some sort of syringe to force water into her mouth. Something like a turkey baster, or even the end of a pen, will work if you do it slowly. Just slip it into the corner of her mouth, between her lips, and hold her head up a bit so it flows down her throat. I would do this every hour or so. Gently pull up on the skin at the back of her neck. If she is dehydrating, it will go down very slowly rather than quickly. She may have to have sub-Q fluids from your vet if she is dehydrating badly.

She is pretty young for this to be "the end", but there are so many things it could be. A tickborne disease is the first possibility that comes to mind, and that is easily resolved with a round of antibiotics.

If you cannot reach your veterinarian, she should probably go to the emergency clinic. A dehydrated dog can be in serious trouble.