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housetraining a new puppy

19 11:16:13

QUESTION: I understand that a puppy needs to be taken out every x number of hours according to its age. What about a new puppy (10 week old shihpoo) at night. Would I crate the dog after letting her out at 11pm and ignore her crying until the am? Or do I take her out in the middle of the night?

ANSWER: At that young an age, you should take the puppy out at least halfway through the night. A 10 week old puppy cannot be expected to go all night long without a potty break.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your answer. At what age should the puppy be able to go all night long? Is there a formula similar to the one that you give for the daytime?

MOST puppies can go through the night without needing to be taken out (as long as they are taken out right before bedtime) between 4 and 6 months, depending on the breed and the individual puppy. If your puppy is crying whenever she needs to go, during the night, then your work is cut out for you because whenever she no longer wakes you up, it means she can go through the night.

If she doesn't cry to wake you up when she needs to go out, then you must use an alarm clock - set it for halfway between bedtime and whenever you will be getting up in the morning. If she has already gone potty in the house at that point, then set it for an hour earlier. If she's gone potty already, set it for an additional 30min earlier, and so on, until you are able to wake up and take her out >>before<< she goes potty in the house. Leave the alarm at that time for 5-7 days, then bump it up an hour and leave it there for 5-7 days. Then, bump it up another hour for 5-7 days, and so-on, until she is able to go through the night without being taken out.

You must be absolutely sure that she has pottied (both #1 and #2) just before you go to bed. Take away her water 2 hours before bedtime, and feed her before then as well.