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my pit bulls ears

19 9:40:47


i have a blue pitbull who will be a year in August. But recently his ears have started to bother him. We thought it was ear mites at first but now we have no idea. All we know now is that his ears really hurt him. He whimpers and wines when he tries to scratch them. If you have any advice at all we would deeply appreciate it. Thank you!

Hi Becca;
There are a few ear problems that mimic each other!
Anywhere from Fungus, to a plain scratch that gets infected!
All are painful!
I can tell you to clean the dogs ears out with a commercial Dog rinse from Petsmart, but, I would definitely take him to the Vet, just in case they are infected,
As, only an antibiotic will take away the it is really painful.
The fungus can be treated with a anti fungal, "Zymox", but again, they could be infected,
So, best to go to the Vet, and have him take a look.
He could have had Earmites, and the ears got inflamed from itching, and now infected,
So, all the way, take him in!
Best regards,