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My mama wants nothing to do with her puppys :0(

19 11:52:38

Hi I have a little shih tuz nameed shai-leu she just had her 1st litter of pups on 3/24/07 she wants nothing to do with them. She had a hard birth she lost one I had to take her to the vet hospital and the vet helped her deliver. I am feeding the puppys and they are doing well & healthy but shai shai wants nothing to do with them? Im very worryed about her.She is only 19 months old could her age be a facter? thank you so much
One tierd grandma :0)

Yes, Lorrie, her age could definitely be a factor. I'm a bit upset that you would breed such a young dog - she's still a puppy herself. I hope that you will be more responsible in the future, and if you plan on breeding her again, make sure to do the appropriate health clearances for the breed, and choose a male that has also passed those health clearances and is an excellent example of the breed. Get involved in showing, and breed to improve the quality of the breed - not just to make more puppies.

I wouldn't try to force your dog to be with her puppies, but let her watch as you care for them, and let her interact if she wants to.