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Hungry Dog

19 13:34:14

Hello, I have a Beagle who is about 18 lbs and 1 1/2 right now.  I feel her canidae rice and chicken.  She goes to day care about 3-4 days a week and is very active.  
My question is basically how much am i to feed her and how many times a day ? right now im feeding her about 2 cups once a day.  I have a feeling its not enough because you would think this dog has never been fed with the way she craves food and freakes out over it, seeing it, or smelling it.  
Thanks Sara  

Hello, 2 cups is about right but you can up it to 2 1/2 cups or 2 3/4 cups...I've never heard of this food if its very high quaility 2 1/2 cups is enough if its a food high in corn/wheat fillers then she will need more. Beagles like labrador retreivers are very food orianted and will beg/and whine and moup until they get another dish of food or another biscut...its the way the dogs are they are because of this prone to gianing extra weight.