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dog collar or harness

19 14:01:09

Dawn, we are preparing for an arrival of a Shih Tzu puppy in July.  I am getting everything we will need in advance, or most things. I have had dogs before but never a toy breed.  I'm alittle concerned about getting the proper leash and collar or harness. I was talking to a few different people recently and one told me I should use only a harness for a Shih Tzu pup and another person told me I can still use a collar and there was no need for a harness.  I was interested in anything you could tell me about the subject.  

Hi Cathy,  With little dogs a collar can cause a condition called a collapsed trachea which is when they pull on the collar it collapses the windpipe and they cough.  That is why a lot of people don't recommend using a collar on a small dog.  I always recommend at least keeping a collar on a small dog in case they get loose you have something to grab.  You can't really keep harnesses on them as they can get hung up on them.  As far as what to walk them with, try a collar and if he/she has problems, then switch to a harness.  Hope this helps,
