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housetrainig/breaking regression

19 11:52:58

We have a 6 month old Pembroke welsh corgi with 2 problems. We had pretty much had her housebroken when we where home but since we had her fixed she's having accidents all the time. We are leaving her outside for a good amount of time to go potty. Why is she regressing? She'll even go in her crate and sit in it, not caring (she did that when she first came home).

Our other issues is when we aren't home and when we are going to be gone more then a couple of hours, instead of putting her in the crate we put her in the kitchen and baby gate her in. We'll put training pads down, water, toys, and some treats in with her. We get home she has the pads torn up and has either peed or pooped almost ever where. How can we stop her destructive behavior when we aren't home to teach her she is misbehaving? and why is she doing this? The funny part is if my husband sets her up in the kitchen and gets home before I do she makes a bigger mess then when its me? any insight to that? Thanks

Well,the peeing could be a health problem,such as a bladder infection,since she is young it's not likely to be anything more serious such as low thyroid,cushings or diabetes,as seen in older pets

Or what it could be(and is more likely)sometimes when dogs are away from home(even for just a night)they totally forget all the housetraining they have learned(esp common in a puppy)and you may even have to start over again with that

Well sometimes the only thing you can do when you are gone,until you trust the dog is to crate it-crating isn't cruel and often reminds the dog of a den,you can also get larger crates if you wish,but sometimes if they are too big,they will find a corner and pee in it-defeating the purpose

About the only other thing you can try is to keep her outside for up to an hour before you go out,that way she will have time to do everything-either way until she stops,don't let her have full run of the house

The main reason she is doing this is because she still hasn't learned not to,and sometimes it is out of boredom-and something else that might help is before you go out,give her allot of play time that way she will be tired and will mostly sleep

not really sure why she would make a bigger mess if your husband sets her up,but it could be that she can get away with more with your husband then you