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urination - broken leg

19 10:25:57

Karen, we recently took in a stray beagle and yesterday, he darted out the door and into the street, being struck by a car, suffered a broken front leg. I told myself $400 was the limit on the way to the vet. Vet wants $750 to set the leg in a splint. I paid $250 for a robert jones bandage wrap and 10 days of pain medication. the dog is home and wresting since 4:30p 12/20. I've taken him outside 3 times to go to the bathroom, but he shows no signs of being ready to do that. We don't have a bed pan for dogs. How concerned should i be and what can i do to encourage him to life one of his good legs to go?

The dog has a broken leg; he should NOT be wrestling! Keep him quiet... in a crate or exercise pen if you have to. Put down newspapers in case he decides it is time to potty.

Take him outside every hour or two until he potties. Chances are that he will squat rather than lift his leg. Make sure he is eating sufficiently and always has plenty of water handy.

Also, once he has recovered, get him into obedience classes and teach him NOT to run out the door when it is opened! (Or put in a fence around the entire house...)

Beagles were bred to run; they use their noses to hunt in packs chasing after rabbits, and they bay loudly so that the hunter can locate them.

Also practice "Nothing in Life is Free" with him. Everyone in the family must work on this.