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Smooth Fox Terrier soiling crate

19 9:56:33

We just inherited a 5 yr old male fox terrier who poops and pees in his crate.  My husband and I both work we put him in a crate.  I come home at lunch to let him out and when I get home he has pooped and pee'd.  This has happened everyday.  Is there a way to train him not to do this?   He does not have accidents in the house.  Please advise.   Thanks

Hi Carmen,   I raise smooth fox terriers and would love to see a picture of him and what state you got him from and any background you may have on him....

It is unusual for fox terriers to soil their crates, but it is possible he has been "taught" to do this by being left too long in there....He may also be nervous and cant hold it.  Or he may be having a reaction to new food.....
How long have you had him
What time do you feed him
What do you feed him
What is his outside schedule
And let me know any background you have..

I will be able to help you better if you can answer these questions