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Pomeranian threw up

19 11:43:22

Hi, I have a 3yr old pomeranian who had surgery to remove stones from his bladder in mid April. This morning I woke up to find that he had thrown up. Alot of which looked like water, some foamy off white stuff, and a little bit of blood.   I've completely exhausted my financial means for the surgery...and want to know what i can do before having to take him to the vet. Thank you for your help in advance.

Hi Angela and thanks for your question.

Unfortunately, I feel the best thing for you dog at this point, is to have him seen by a vet. I can understand your financial situation, but when ever a dog is vomiting blood, it's not a good thing and there's not alot you can do at home to make it better.

Sorry I could not be of any more help