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Mini Schnauzer puppy

19 10:40:35

Hey Karen i just got an eight week old mini schnauzer named Baxter and he is just the most adorable thing i have ever owned and he had really big paws, does that mean he will be a big miniature schnauzer? And his teeth are starting to come in and he wants to bite or chew everything, and he spends the most time with me and i think he likes me the best, but he always wants to bite me, but no one else, could you tell me why he does that?  Sorry this is so long, but thanks for taking my question

Well, Tie... I've never seen a puppy yet that didn't grow into its paws. :) Yes, it could mean that he will be on the larger side. But since I assume that you bought him for a pet, that just means that there will be more of him to love!

It could be that he bites you the most because he knows he can get away with it. He probably considers you to be more his littermate than his alpha (leader). What I do when a puppy bites me is to pinch his lip HARD, as I roar in his face (like a lion) and stare him in the eye, and tell him "NO BITE". A quick pinch and release. You must act like his mother and do what she would do to teach her puppies to not bite so hard.

Get yourself the paperback book, "How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With" by Rutherford and Neil, and read it from cover to cover. It is a GREAT book!

Try to find some puppy socialization, and then obedience, classes for Baxter, and start practicing "Nothing in Life is Free" with him.

Good luck with Baxter!