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My Dog crys and barks when I am not neighbors have had it..HELP!

19 11:07:31

I got a 14mo old Min. Pin the day after thanksgiving 07. She is a perfect lady when I am home or when she is with me. When I leave the house however, she crys and barks for hours (according to my neighbors). I have researched this and it appears that she has separation anxiety. I have tried the tips that I have researched on the web (pretending to leave, etc..etc..), I had a trainer come in my home, I have tried getting the bones that you fill with peanut butter, I have tried the remote bark control device...and nothing seems to work. I feel like I have run out of options. I have also tried to keep a muzzle on her (but that seems cruel and she was able to take it off anyway and chew through the latch). I don't know what else to do next. I don't want to give her up b/c she is really good when I am at home or with her. I could understand how initially she would cry, but it's been a few months. Shouldn't she be used to me leaving for work everyday?

Also, when I went to the breeder to get her,she did not bark at me or my friend. Now, she barks at anyone who enters my house or anyone she sees outside of my house. When I asked the breeder about it, he said she never barked before..why the change in barking?
My main problem is the crying/ barking when I am gone..I have received three letters from neighbors and my HOA and I am running out of time.

thank you in advance.
Please HELP!

Well when all else fails,sometimes they will have to take medication to calm them down,usually prozac is what the vets give them and only in the smallest dose needed

So what you need to do is to call your vet and explain the situation-and see if your vet will medicate the dog,and you probably only need to this when you are out

Like some people,some dogs need medications to calm them down and make life easier for everyone,but only do this under a vet