Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > backyard


19 11:33:33

I have a 9 year old pom and 6 year old lab beagle mix. We moved into a new house 3 months ago. The dogs hate going in the back yard. They will stay on the deck the whole time they are outside. They only have to go down two steps to get in the yard. They will use the bathroom in the house. I would hate to have to start taking them out on leashes again after I paid so much for a fenced yard. However, they love my mom's house and backyard. How can I get them to like the yard?  thanks

That is strange.  I can't pull an old answer out of my stock of material for this one.  I think you are going to have to go out with them.  Take a ball, a stick, something they enjoy chasing.  Make the backyard a fun place they share with you.  If they just sit on the deck, play with the ball your self.  Dogs can hardly stand watching somebody run with something without running after them.  Sooner or later, one will have to stop to relieve itself.  Then praise it.  After a few lesson on what a fun place the yard is, perhaps they will go out by themselves.

Could be they don't like the fertilizer or week killer you have used either.  If that might be the problem, use a different type next time.