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behavior after neutering

19 10:31:09

My dog was neutered 6 weeks ago but he still sprays his scent in the house and he still ejaculates. Is this normal and if it is when will it stop? He is a 3 yr old Chihuahua and Jack Russell mix. He is in excellent health.He has never lived outside one day of his life. What can I do to help him stop marking his territory in the house cause if he doesn't stop my mom will put him outside and I think my baby would mourn himself to death over being put out on a chain. Please help.

I think the best way to fix this problem is with a crate,and keep him in there all the time except to eat,to be fed,to be taken out ect and keep him in there for about three weeks and slowly let him out more-but still keep him in there when you are out,and dogs keep crates clean as they like there sleeping areas clean