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puppy concern

19 9:41:02


i just got a baby blue heeler and he is now 3 months 1 week old and about 3 weeks ago both of his ears were almost standing straight up like there supose to but now one ear has dropped and now it is floppy. could you no any reason as to why and do you think it will stand like the other one? he has a miniture duchund hes been playing with could his cartlige in the ear that is flopy now be broke? will it ever stand if it is????

I highly doubt playing with another dog will hurt.  I have much more experience with German Shepherds than Blue Heelers.  Kept lean and fed a good diet with no supplements, their ears nearly always stand up although in some cases not until as late as a year old.  If you are feeding a commercial dog food or pupy chow, I would stick to it as long as it has less than 1.5% calcium.  More than that leads to problems.