Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Fencing


19 11:43:51

I have two Australian shep dogs.  We had moved out in the country 1 1/2 yrs ago. We do have post fencing for the big yard for our dogs to play/sleep/eat, etc.  The problem we have is that our dogs has been digging under the fence due to what we think is other small creatures outside might roaming around.  We thought about electric fence be added outside of present fence but it seems to be with shock collars which we don't want that on our dogs.  Is there a such thing that we can get a special kind fence or solution to this problem?  We do not want to enclose our fence with wood etc.  Hope you can answer my question.  Thank you.

Hello. I don't reccomend the electric fences because of the shock collars that come with them. What will work well and wont leave the fence fully boarded is to get some thicker grade wire and dig under the fnece put the wire 2 1/2 to 3 feet into the ground below the fence....also it should be sucured to teh bottom of the eisiting fence so they cant push it down and go under it...this will work wonders but can be a little difficult to put in.