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19 11:45:30

I have a 6 year old english springer spaniel.  We just moved to a new area that is very wooded last August.  We noticed immediately that he was picking up ticks, as he has long hair.  He was not on any oral meds but lucky for us the topical solutions got us through August and September.  This year, already in only June, he has picked up a tick.  I am worried that we are in for a treat come late summer.  I've noticed that almost all of the meds available are for fleas and ticks.  Fleas are not a main concern of mine right now.  Is there an oral med that will focus mainly on ticks or do the combo meds work just as well? Thank you.  

Hi Colleen and thanks for your question.

I believe that most of the oral products available, don't work for ticks, so you may have to use the topicals. They (the topicals) are very good however, in repelling and killing ticks. Some of the products won't repel them, but will kill them if the dog is biten by the tick. So if you want to repel them, I would use the K9 Advantix. It repels AND kills ticks and fleas.

In the grooming business, I have seen a huge problem with ticks that last couple of "seasons". The area I'm in, we do have a winter, but it's not really been cold enough to kill off many of these pests recently, so they have been a problem earlier on and there seem to be more of them.

I hope that you can find something that works well for your boy :)