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1 Year Old Mini

19 13:33:21

OK, We have 2 mini schnauzers, both males, 1 is 3 and the other is just over a year old.  Our 3 year old Jack is extremely friendly and will let you do just about anything to him, ofcourse he's playful at the same time, but he's just a big hammy lap dog that loves to snuggle or play.  Now, on to the 1 year old, Smokey, who we've had for a year:  when we got him, as a buddy for Jack, it took a long while for them to get used to each other, the puppy being the aggressor, but Jack keeping his ground.  Jack is the dominant dog, but Smokey thinks he is.  They both are neutured.  Now here's the problem:  Smokey is showing aggressive behavior toward us when he doesn't want to do something or is moved/picked up and doesn't want to be.  Now, he doesn't necessarily bite, but mouths and snarls like he's going to.  How can I stop the aggressive behavior?  He isn't socialized, we tried this with a group dog training.  He learned to walk on a leash, sit, stay, and lay down, and learned to listen well, but he does not interact well with other dogs or people for that matter.  When people come to the house, we have to have a spray bottle in hand to squirt him just in case he jumps and tries to bite hands.  He's just an aggressive little dog.  What type of training do you reccomend?  Jack was so easy, but Smokey is more difficult.  Advice Please?  
Many Thanks,

Here is the key part of your explanation of your problem: "Smokey is showing aggressive behavior toward us when he doesn't want to do something or is moved/picked up and doesn't want to be."

Smokey is telling you where to go and how fast to get there because he thinks he is higher on the food chain than you are. You need to drill it into his head that YOU are the boss and he is not. My guess is that you have been too inconsistent in your interactions with him.

You need to get him into on-going obedience classes (and keep him there for several months), and you must practice "Nothing in Life is Free" with him.  You must do a bit of obedience work with him every day, even if it is only for 5-10 minutes. Get him out of your bed at night if he sleeps with you, and into a crate. I would also practice a "Long Down" with him three times a week.

When people come to the house, make him do a sit or down stay, and then have your visitors offer him a treat when he goes and sits in front of them.
