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how can I introduce my puppy to the pack

19 11:11:24

Hi Kristin! I have 3 boxers at home. A 4 year old female, 7 month old male, & 6 month old female (daughter of 4 year old) My brother is going to move out in 6 months. He will be taking the 4 year old female and the male with him. I don't want my dog to be by herself. I have a chance at getting an old english/american bull dog mix which is the mix I've always wanted. The puppy will be 8 weeks old when I get him. The 2 boxer puppies at home have a tendency to pounce on smaller dogs. I'm afraid they might frighten or hurt my new puppy. I'm not too worried about the adult female. What advice can you give me so that I can introduce my puppy to the pack without harming him?

The best way is to do it slowly-like at first by just having them sniff him through a gate then slowly you can have them meet up with the puppy,then eventually play with him

Until they are really used to each other,it's a good idea to not leave them alone when you can't watch them,just to be safe