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dog chewing her bedding

19 11:11:23

Our 9 month our lab chews any bedding we leave in her crate.Even left for a short time, she tears the bed and
pulls out the stuffing.  She does not chew anything else, other than her toys, but she does need "power chewer" toys or else they don't last at all.  Should I leave the crate bare - with no bed?  Are there other options?  thanks for the help!

This is common in young dogs

now there is a product called 'bitter apple' and what you do is spray it on stuff that she is eating/chewing that you don't want her to,and it tastes so bad the dog just spits it out-it doesn't hurt the dog,but it tastes terrible(believe me i have tried it myself and it is disgusting)and it can be bought at most petstores,if they don't have the brand just explain to them what you are looking for

But usually after doing this enough times the dog will lose interest in eating stuff that she isn't meant to eat