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2 Year-Old Dog Chews when left alone

19 11:33:54

My 2-year old Border Collie mix has recently started chewing on EVERYTHING he can get into (even though I've tried and tried to make sure there is nothing for him to get into!) whenever we leave him alone for the day. I am pretty sure I know why he is doing it, I just need to know how to get him to stop! My boyfriend used to take him to work every day until another dog at his company bit someone in the face, leading the company to no longer allow dogs. My boyfriend still stops home at lunch to walk him and check in on him, but by that time he has already gotten into something and torn it apart. We are in the middle of moving so there are a lot of boxes all over the place. I'm concerned b/c I really need to get him to stop this...I'm afraid he may choke on something or chew something that could be toxic. I have made huge efforts to hide anything he may be able to get into, but it seems that no matter what I do he finds something!

How can I get him to stop this chewing...I can't really afford doggy daycare, and I'd rather not crate him...but if those are my only options that I will do what I have to.

Thank you in advance for any guidance you can offer.


Obviously crating him would be the best solution, if there are boxes and things scattered about. That's what I would do, personally. You could also try using a baby gate to confine him to a room where there's nothing for him to get ahold of, but he could *still* find *something* to destroy. Giving him some things that are okay for him to chew on is another option, and you can do that whether you choose to block him in a dog-proof room, crate him, or continue to leave him loose in the house. I recommend Kong toys, Nylabones, and large beef leg bones. I do not recommend rawhides. You can put many things inside a Kong to keep your dog occupied. A few suggestions are:

*peanut butter
*cream cheese
*plain yogurt
*canned dog or cat food
*canned (plain) pumpkin
*any of the above with some of his kibble mixed in

I recommend just using a knife to smear the peanut butter (or whatever you're using) on the inside walls of the Kong - you don't have to fill it full - and then freezing it overnight. Freezing makes it last longer.