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New Daddy

19 11:50:51

Hi Renee
I have two mixed Pekingese/Pomerainians,I have had them 5years. They are both litter trained and very well behaved, lovable companions. Recently, they mated and I now have two adorable pups. The pups are 5weeks old and starting to try and explore. Thier home is a large wire kennel that they share with thier Mom. Since they are starting to get active, they try to escape. The Dad barks when they stick thier head out the kennel door. I leave the door open so the mom can have access, and still have her freedom.They are not yet able to climb over the lip of the kennel, but it won't be long. My question is do I need to fear any aggression from the dad. There have been times when he seems to bark at them, for no reason, or lunge at them stopping short. Is he part of thier socialization education? Will he hurt them? Should I keep them seperate? What part does Daddy play?
FYI-My two dogs have full run of the house during the day and are kenneled seperatly at night. They have never been bothersome, nor have they ever destroyed anything.

Hi Penny and congrats on your new additions :)

In domestic canines, daddy usually doesn't play much of a significant role in rearing the young, but it will be beneficial as they begin exploring their environment to have him around to teach them the ropes and to help them to learn social behavior. It's just going to take some time for him to understand they are dogs. He's probably not quite sure what to make of these small creatures just yet.

Only you can know for sure if he is to be trusted with the babies. You know his temperament and attitude towards them. You will have to decide whether to keep them separated or let them interact. I have never know (in my personal experience) a male to harm pups when they are this young, but have seen some scuffles with older more rambunctious puppies. I especially don't think momma would allow him to get to cozy with the pups at this point, but she may start losing interest very soon and really not care if daddy interacts with them more. I'm sure that daddy may be experiencing some jealousy as well, because momma has been tending to these babies for so long and he's been put on the back burner.
If it were me, I would probably start allowing him "supervised visitation" with the pups now, so he will get used to them. Maybe you could even take one of the pups and bring it to him to sniff and explore. This way he will get to know them and understand they are part of the pack. He may also come to understand you still love him and won't stop just cause these small new creatures have come into your life.