Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > I have 2 yorkies small and would like to get a doberman

I have 2 yorkies small and would like to get a doberman

19 11:31:24

If i buy a oberman as a pup will it  be ok with my yorkies

Well I had experiance with a large puppy(labrador retreiver) and two smaller dogs when I was living with my mtoher...shes got two shituzx bichon frise' crosses they are bigger then yorkies there about 20 lab would Try play with them but they being older would get mad snappy and lab wouldnt quit she grew out of this eventully but my point is with a big puppy and two tiny dogs the small dogs can get hurt in a large pups rough play to do this mix you'd need to be always watching and never leave the house with the puppy and dogs together.