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dog smell

19 10:20:49

We have a 10 yr old lab/dalmation mix.My dog as a very bad oder comig from his back area, we have tried empting is anal gland the did not work.
Can you please suggest something the oder is becoming unbareable.

Hi Melisa,

Having tried to express your dog's anal glands, but without success, and since the smell hasn't gone away, it's time to let your veterinarian express your dog's anal glands.

This video might be helpful, it shows you how to express a dog's anal glands:

If you try again, and you're still unsuccessful, you should know that the problem isn't going to just go away on it's own. In fact, it can get a whole lot worse if the anal glands get infected. Please don't put off taking your dog to the vet.

Best of luck,
