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19 10:15:18

I have a nine month old English Cocker Spaniel who loves Green Apples. Is it alright/healthy to feed green apples on daily basis and how much should I feed it in a day?  

Hi Sarah,

I will assume you're asking about a ripe apple that's green, such as a Granny Smith Apple, and not an unripe apple. Don't feed your dog unripe fruit.

Most dogs love apples. They are a great (and healthy) treat for your dog,  but too much of this good thing may upset your dog's digestive system.

Try giving your dog one or two wedges a day. There isn't a set amount to give, you need to monitor your dog to see that he tolerates the fruit in the amount given. If he develops loose stools, you've known you've given too much. For that reason less is better than too much.
Don't give your dog apple cores that contain seeds, as apple seeds contain cyanide and can be toxic.

Most dogs also love baby carrots (or carrot sticks)  bananas, peas, beans, pears, berries, melon, and sometimes even orange! These are all wonderful non-fat treats that are good for dogs.

Best of luck,
